How to Tell Your Rolex is Fake [POLO]6/11/2013 3:17:03 AM
What comes to mind when you hear the word 'Rolex'?swiss Patek Philippe replica watches Wealth. Luxury. Prestige. It's the Ferrari of watches. With a company as successful as Rolex, there are bound to be hundreds of counterfeits. Take caution to protect yourself from accidentally purchasing one of these copycats by doing your research. Here are some practical guidelines to help you determine if the Rolex is a Faux-lex. 1. Always purchase from a reputable source. Hint: If it's being sold from the trunk of a car, it's probably not reputable. ) Where do they get their watches from? Do they offer certificates of authenticity? Although these certificates can be replicated, it is very difficult to do so as they are printed on special paper and have folds. What do other customers say about them? Purchase from a seller than you can follow up with and hold accountable. 2. My mother always said, \"You get what you pay for\". I once paid $2000 for a 20 year old Supra and after one drive (the life span of the car), I realized it was not worth it. If you stumble upon a deal that seems \"too good to pass up\", then exercise caution so as to not rip yourself off. When you purchase a genuine Rolex, you are paying for a level of quality and workmanship that is unparalleled by any other watch. To put it another way, if you are buying a Ferrari, then you should not be paying the price of a Ford. 3. There are several tell-tale signs to look for to distinguish a counterfeit from a Rolex. A Rolex will not have a clear caseback, also described as a \"skeleton caseback\". While you're checking the back of the watch, also look for a 3D hologram sticker featuring the Rolex crown and reference number. Counterfeits will not have this. For authentic Rolexes, the cyclops should magnify the date by 2. 5 times. A knock-off will usually only have 1. 5 times magnification. This does not sound like much but compared side by side, the difference in magnification is extremely obvious. Listen closely to your watch. Does it tick? If so, it is likely a knock-off as Rolex watches do not make ticking sounds. A Rolex is also resilient to water. Go on. Dip your watch into a cup of water. It is completely water tight. These are actually only a few of the many signs to look for. Here's another way to think about it. There will be nothing wrong with a Rolex. If the quality of your watch seems less than impeccable, then you may be in possession of a knock-off. Do your research. Be smart about your purchase and happy shopping.
